Interest rates: It is too soon to speculate about a cut, according to the head of the bank.

Following the Bank of England’s vote to maintain interest rates at 5.25% for a third time, which is a 15-year high, Andrew Bailey made a statement.

In a statement released on Wednesday, the Federal Reserve of the United States indicated that interest rates were at or near their highest point and could perhaps decrease in the coming year.

Mr. Bailey, on the other hand, explained that it was not possible to “definitively” state the same thing about the United Kingdom.

Since December 2021, the Bank of England has increased interest rates fourteen times in an effort to curb the high rate of inflation, which is a measurement of the rate at which prices are increasing.

As a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the cost of oil and food has increased in the United Kingdom, which has contributed to this trend.

Despite the fact that price increases have slowed to 4.6%, this is still more than twice as high as the 2% inflation target that the Bank of England has set.

“We have seen an unwinding of many of the shocks, the big shocks, that we had last year, particularly related to the war in Ukraine and so on,” according to Mr. Bailey.

“But there is this persistent element to [inflation] which we have got to take out.”

“My view at the moment is that it is really too early to start speculating about cutting interest rates,” the governor stated, despite the fact that he was heartened by the progress that had been made in slowing down inflation.

“I don’t think that we can say definitively that interest rates have peaked,” he stated, while additionally stating: “I hope that we are at the top of the cycle.”

Interest rates would need to remain higher “for sufficiently long” in order to bring inflation back down to 2%, according to the minutes from the meeting of the committee that sets interest rates at the Bank of England.

The fact that inflation in the United Kingdom is still higher than in the United States and the eurozone was one of the factors that the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) examined.

In spite of the fact that the primary inflation rate has decreased across the board, “core inflation,” which excludes the most volatile items, has decreased by a smaller amount in the United Kingdom, and “measures of wage inflation were also significantly higher in the United Kingdom than in other countries.”

Six out of the nine members of the MPC voted to keep interest rates at 5.25%, and the language in the minutes that stated that interest rates would remain at these levels for a “extended period” was not altered in any way.

Additionally, it indicated that there was a possibility that interest rates may even go up “if there were evidence of more persistent inflationary pressures.” This month, the other three members of the committee did, in fact, vote in favor of increasing the rate to 5.5%.

Inflation in the United Kingdom in comparison to interest rates
Despite the fact that the Bank of England has decided to maintain the current rate of interest, many mortgage lenders are adjusting their own rates because they are certain that the next move will be a decrease.

Every Thursday, Virgin Money and HSBC will lower the interest rates that are associated with their new fixed-rate plans. TSB is going to do the same thing on Friday.

Some analysts feel that the Bank of England has been overly gloomy about inflation, and the financial markets anticipate that it will begin reducing interest rates by the month of May in the next year.

According to recent data, the rate of pay growth in the United Kingdom has slowed down, while the price of Brent crude oil has dropped by 17% between November and December, reaching approximately $75 per barrel.

An economic forecasting club known as the EY Item Club stated that it believed the Bank of England will begin to show signs of reversing its aversion to lowering interest rates in the beginning of 2024.

“Signs of such a shift may start to become apparent when the committee meets next in February,” said Martin Beck, who is the top economic adviser who leads the organization. “The EY Item Club continues to think that the [Bank] will go for the first rate cut in May.”

Cuts in interest rates are signaled by the United
Following this week’s vote by the Federal Reserve to maintain the current level of interest rates, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, expressed some degree of caution in his remarks regarding the future of interest rates in the United States.

It would be premature to declare victory at this point. “There is a great deal of uncertainty, and we have witnessed the economy move in unexpected directions; consequently, we are going to require additional progress,” he stated.

The United States, on the other hand, has experienced a more faster slowdown in inflation, and separate estimates made by members of the Federal Reserve’s rate-setting panel indicated that they anticipated the benchmark borrowing rate to decrease from its current range of 5.25%-5.5% to 4.5%-4.75% in 2014.

Additionally, Mr. Powell stated that the standard interest rate was “likely at or near its peak for this tightening cycle” at the present time.

As was the case in the United Kingdom and the United States, the European Central Bank (ECB) agreed this week to maintain the current level of interest rates for the 19-nation eurozone, which is 4%.

Christine Lagarde, the head of the European Central Bank, stated that a reduction in interest rates had not been discussed “at all” by the bank, and that there was still a significant gap between increasing rates and lowering them.

“It’s like solid, liquid gas,” she remarked that it was. “You don’t go from solid to gas without going through the liquid phase.”

The Bank of England issued a statement indicating that it anticipated that the rate of economic growth would remain relatively unchanged for the remaining three months of this year as well as for the subsequent quarters.