Buns are to the Swedes what croissants are to the French: an everyday staple that epitomises the culture. They are consumed during the daily Swedish coffee break known as fika and can be found everywhere, from supermarkets and cafes to artisanal bakeries. There is even an annual celebration called Cardamom ...

Being a vegetarian is a personal choice that opens up a world of delicious recipes that can tantalize your taste buds. One such dish is Eggplant Parmigiana, a baked delight that can be prepared with chicken, plain mozzarella, or, for vegetarians, aubergines (eggplants). Before you begin the cooking process, it’s ...

If you find yourself drowning in a surplus of tomatoes from your garden or your neighbor’s generous harvest, fear not! The perfect solution is to transform those tomatoes into delicious spaghetti sauce that can be enjoyed throughout the year. Canning your own spaghetti sauce is a simple and rewarding process ...

  If you’re looking to enjoy the goodness of mangoes in a dried form without any added sugar, here’s a step-by-step guide to dehydrating mangoes: Ingredients: 10 ripe mangos (organic and fresh) 2 tbsp. honey (optional) ½ cup lemon juice Instructions: Start with ripe organic mangos. Gently press the peel ...

Whether you’re hosting a dinner party or a braai, it’s customary to serve a few snacks to your guests before the main course is ready. People enjoy eating, drinking, and having a good time with their friends or family. Making a few bite-sized snacks will make you the center of ...

The holidays have arrived, and it’s time to spoil your children’s taste buds with delectable cakes. So, let us give you some helpful hints and tools to make your cake-making process go more smoothly and easily. 1. Measuring Tools: The first key to making a perfect cake is to use ...

Steaming is best for delicate foods. Steaming is the process of slowly cooking foods in boiling water. Basically, boil water in any pot or pan that has a tight-fitting lid. The food is placed in a bowl or steaming tray above water and cooked by steam. Steaming is typically done ...

Copper is possibly the most commonly used metal in the home. Copper was once used to make cookware because it was such a good conductor of heat. It appears to be making a comeback in recent years. Here are its benefits and drawbacks. Advantages: Copper conducts heat at an astounding ...

There is nothing better for olive oil fans. Furthermore, many of these same fans have taken it upon themselves to find the best olive oil for cooking because they want the amazing taste of which they can’t get enough in all of their food preparation. The problem for many people ...

The flavor combinations that are possible provide limitless possibilities for enhancing a dish. The flavor difference between fresh and dried flavors, as well as the flavor improvement achieved by adding the flavors at a specific time in the cooking process, broaden the options. Exploring various flavors or spices is an ...